Monday, July 20, 2009

Any thoughts?

Over the last few weeks I've had a lot on my mind, and as the new school year approaches those thoughts are starting to interrupt my daily life. Let me explain...

I have 2 jobs. One I love and one I really could care less about. The one I love I wish I could do full time but right now that isn't an option. The second SUCKS ASS! I've taken on more hours with the job I love, because well, I love it. The problem is I've now committed my self to 50+ hours a week plus being a momma. To add to the stress of time management (so I don't drop the ball on any of my responsibilities), I've taken a serious step to have baby #2. I think I may be nuts!

In this mix of stress and baby fever (which is slowing taking over my being) I am finding it extremely hard to communicate how I'm feeling with the hubs. It seems like every time the subject is brought up it turns into a battle and nothing is really accomplished. There are days this is consuming my every thought. I can't concentrate on what needs to be done. AHHHH!!!!!!

Any suggestions? Any books anyone knows that may help? Anyone else gone through something like this?

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